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The other day, I (Daniel) sent down with our third-year students who only have a few more months to go to complete their studies here at Golden Crown College. They will be graduating in April, so I thought to myself – this is the right time to catch up with them and to ask them about their experience here! And so we want to share their answers with you . . . we hope that you will enjoy reading about them, and please keep them in their prayers!


How did you first hear about Golden Crown College (GCC)?

Sabenthung: I first came to have a look at this college, coming along with a friend from my dad.
We just came to pick up the forms, but when while being here i heard the singing, it touched me and so I took admission on that very day!

Sholozü: Our youth director at that time was also from this college, from GCC. So he introduced it to me and our family; this is how I got to know about this college and decided to come here to study here as well.

In those days the college was also in the news because of the activities and events, such as concerts, that were organized by Golden Crown College. So one day I came together with my youth director to see the place and had a chat with the director. I liked the fact that many students are active in the area of music and good singers.

Khoben: The director here is my uncle, so I have known about this college before. Then I decided to come here to have a new experience, to learn the Word of God, and to do ministry.

Renjamo: I am a member of Lotha Baptist Church where Rev Nzan was pastoring before. So many of my church members would be familiar with the college, and I heard many good things about Rev. Nzan that he did a good job as a pastor and that he is a true spiritual leader. My dad had also been serving as a deacon at that church, and he encouraged me to join this particular Bible school and not any other college.


Any memories you would like to share about the time you spent here at GCC?  

Sabenthung: I enjoyed the events, the singing during concerts, and leading praise and worship, getting involved in ministry, including the opportunity to preach.

Sholozü: I remember the first time I got the opportunity to sing at the townhall, during a concert organized by our college. I always wanted to be a singer – and my church is small, so even if I sing there, there would only be a few people listening, especially when it is at the youth service where there are less people than during the Sunday service.

But when I stood on stage, together with a senior (Kalino), I was so impressed to see so many people sitting in front of me – I felt like a dream had come true, and I was so excited to sing for the first time in  a place like the town hall of Dimapur.

Khoben: There are many good memories from my time here, like going on outreach to do ministry. We did an outreach in West Bengal in 2010; we went there and sang songs, leading the people in praise and worship. It was the first time for me to go out in ministry; before I did not know about the condition outside of Nagaland, and that is when I realized that even outside there are many people who are Christians. Many were coming to the church, and during the praise and worship they were jumping like anything, so it was great to see that they were enjoying our songs so much.

Renjamo: I had just joined the college, and I will never forget the day when I first preached to deliver the Word of God. That was the first time I preached in my life, in October 2011, and it was very special to me.


You will be graduating soon, what are your plans for the future?

Renjamo: I am planning to get involved in the Youth Ministry, somewhere in the Wokha district. I feel there are many wondering souls there, especially among the youths. So I want to encourage them with my life and to lead them. This vision has been with me for many years, so I am excited that I can pursue this dream now soon.

Sabenthung: If my parents support me, then I plan to go for further study. Or, as for now, I want to do ministry. 

Khoben: There are many thoughts about the future, but it is difficult to say what exactly will happen. I definitely want to join the ministry, but I will have to see if and how I can do it.

Sholozü: I also have a lot of plans for the future. Some time later, I would like to go for higher studies in the area of music, such as doing a Master’s in church music.

But that would be some time later. As for now, right after graduation, I am planning to open a music school together with a friend of mine. That friend of mine and me, we have known each other already for a long time. There is this town called Jalukie and we both feel that there is a need there to train church leaders in the field of music. And then, hopefully, after working for three or four years, maybe that is the time I would go for further studies.