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The other day, I (Daniel) sent down with our third-year students who only have a few more months to go to complete their studies here at Golden Crown College. They will be graduating in April, so I thought to myself – this is the right time to catch up with them and to ask them about their experience here! And so we want to share their answers with you . . . we hope that you will enjoy reading about them, and please keep them in their prayers!


How did you first hear about Golden Crown College (GCC)?

Janny: I have a cousin who graduated from here, so I first heard about GCC from her. And Golden Crown College has both music and theological studies, so that I is how I decided to come here and study.

Benny: Before I joined, I was already taking piano lessons here at the Crown Centre. I like the way they play and perform. Before I joined I went to a concert organized by GCC and that impressed me as I told myself, “I also want to be able to play like they do!”

Yanchibeni: Before I joined this college, many people used to talk about Crown Centre and that the music is very good. I applied for different colleges, but my mom likes this college and she encouraged me to join Golden Crown College. So only after coming here I learned the basics of music. Actually, at first I only wanted to study theology; it was only after coming here that I realized how important the music part is as well.

Mhabeni: I knew about GGC through my friends; after hearing them preach in church, I really wanted to study theology. One of my friends studied at Golden Crown College, and so I called Rev. Nzan, and then I came here.

Arhoni: My Grandpa told me about this school, because my grandpa and the director (Rev. Nzan), they know each other. I wanted to study theology, and so I came here.

Chumbeni: My pastor was the one to tell me about this college; he encouraged me to study at Golden Crown College because he wanted me to learn both theology and music.


Any memories you would like to share about the time you spent here at GCC? 

Janny: Even during my  first year I joined what was called the Coronation Choir. It was a small choir, and we went to Shillong with it, and also here in Dimapur we sang at different occasions, something I enjoyed very much.

Yanchibeni: I have so many memories! There was this one time in 2013 when I was very touched because the director (Rev. Nzan) took me out to join him for ministry, giving me an opportunity to preach in a church. And while I was preaching, there were tears flowing down his face – I cannot forget that day.

Benny : I have fond memories of the choir practice and the times when we sang hymns together.

Mhabeni and Arhoni: We like the way we conduct the praise and worship times here at Golden Crown College, so we will not forget our hymn singing and the praise and worship and all.

Chumbeni: I enjoyed the whole learning experience, learning about music, sight reading, and theology.


You will be graduating soon, what are your plans for the future?

Janny: I want to go for further studies. I might do some teaching first – actually, I am not sure at this point what exactly I will do, but I will definitely go for further studies.

Benny: I am planning to go for further studies in the area of music. But it might not happen this year, but rather next year, in 2015.

Yanchibeni: I also want to do some ministry first, for a short time, like for one year. And then, in 2015, I would like to go for further studies, focussing on theology.

Mhabeni: I want to join the ministry, like children ministry, possibly with a ministry in Hyderabad. After that, if possible, I want to go for further studies. I don’t know whether this will happen or not, but in any case I want to join the ministry.

Arhoni: I will work in children ministry, because I have an aunt working with street children in Kolkata, so I am planning to join her. I would probably do so for a number of years and then come back to Nagaland.

Chumbeni: I am also planning to join that children’s ministry in Hyderabad. And after that, if it is God’s will, I would join the church ministry.