Worship Central Seminar with Jied Syiem (10th March 2014)


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Getting to know Worship Central has been a real blessing for us (GCC). It was in the year 2013 when we first heard about it through a college friend, Joshua Dhar, who is the son of our Vice-Principal. After which, a few of the students attended their seminar at Dimapur.

At their seminar we were all really blessed. We learned a totally different meaning and concept of worshipping God. We want to thank Sir Jied Syiem for this wonderful and blessed experience (which is, the worship central course) and we hope it becomes a yearly event. This is because most of us will go back to our churches and aim to influence the program in our respective churches in and around Nagaland.

Now, we are very excited knowing that our college has become partners with Worship Central. We are hoping to learn even more about worshipping God and deal with the practical issues in the Churches regarding music and worship ministry from Worship Central.

Please continue to pray for us as our college team is planning to conduct the Worship Central course for the new students from 15th of May to 15th of June, 2014.

God bless Worship Central!


Article by,

Mhalo, Thungyani, Joseph, and Akhoto

Cultural Sunday (16th March 2014)


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On Sunday (November 16th) our Bible School underwent an amazing transformation. It already began during our Sunday morning service – all our students came in wearing their traditional costumes and the front area of the chapel was beautifully decorated. The importance of unity was emphasized, and with that understanding we approached the rest of this special occasion called Cultural Day – a tradition that has been observed at Golden Crown College for several years now.

Our students come from a variety of tribes, and soon after the service they began to get busy around the different cooking stations that had been set up – one for the Lotha, one for the Rengma, one for the Sumi, and one for the Angami. Our campus is not that large, so to have four different fire places going there was quite a sight! But that is what needed to be done, so that the Cultural Day would not only be characterized by a program consisting of dances and songs but by delicious food as well!

Around 3pm our guests started to arrive and the program was introduced with speeches and then opened with a word of prayer. Wearing their traditional costumes, a group of students performed a song in which a whole group of them was standing in a circle. More musical performances were still to come, including one in which a warrior equipped with a spear was performing a war dance with great skill. Everybody was not only very impressed but getting hungry as well, so this was the time to taste the different dishes that had been prepared. Accompanied throughout by beautiful weather, this Cultural Day was a wonderful experience, and we thank our Father in heaven for all the unity and diversity that He has given to us! 


Article by, 

Daniel Topf 

Annual Sports Event (21st – 22nd February 2014)




V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!! We are Winners!! We are Winner!! Hearing the chants from the three houses and seeing those fabulous backdrops at the grandstand of each house, we knew it was the time for the Golden Crown College sports day!!!

The sports day was held on 21st Feb and 22nd Feb, 2014. The atmosphere was very exciting with each houses cheering out loud for their houses. The team was divided into three groups under the name of famous football teams, such as Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea.

From the first day, We had a varied range of events ranging from an early morning marathon race to long jump, to the high jump, badminton, table tennis, balloon bush, and so on. The competitors far exceeded expectations and performed to an exceptionally high standard in all events. At the same time, the athletes tried their best to run on the lanes as fast as possible in order to achieve the best result for their houses. All the teachers and the students participated on all the events though it was too sunny. The whole day was amazingly harmonized with students stepping out in the sun to cheer their respective houses. “Focus!! Focus!!”  Was the slogans for the Arsenal house, “Kill it!! Kill it!!”  Was the slogans for Liverpool house and “Mara!! Mara!!” Was the slogans for Chelsea.

Again on the day second, it was too exiting and too competitive. The most interesting events on that day was the longest line group game. The competitors fiercely competed among themselves with the hope that their team will make the longest line. It was later found that Chelsea house gave up because they ran out of materials (sob!! Sob!!), but Liverpool and Arsenal house started competing among themselves and even up to the extent of tearing their cloths and taking out their ornaments such as bracelets, necklace, watch, phones etc… giving their best to win the game. At last it found that Arsenal house won the game (Hurrah!! Hurrah!!) Later, rumors started spreading like a wild fire saying that it’s all thanks to Sir Daniel and Vizokhoto. This is most probably true, as Sir Daniel’s shoelace was longer than 100 meter (wahaha!) and Vizo sacrificially contributed his t-shirt to be torn into pieces, enabling the Arsenal house to win the game.

In addition to getting the medals, and prizes, the friendship formed among students and teachers, created sense of belongingness to the GCC community, which is definitely an extra reward we got from our sports day. Participating in sports day was certainly full of fun. No matter which position you came in the competition or what the final result was, the sports days created a sweet and remarkable memory in our lives. 


Article by, 

Achumlo Mozhui 

Lecturer, Golden Crown College

Interview: Final year students! Part 2 (and now the gentlemen)


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The other day, I (Daniel) sent down with our third-year students who only have a few more months to go to complete their studies here at Golden Crown College. They will be graduating in April, so I thought to myself – this is the right time to catch up with them and to ask them about their experience here! And so we want to share their answers with you . . . we hope that you will enjoy reading about them, and please keep them in their prayers!


How did you first hear about Golden Crown College (GCC)?

Sabenthung: I first came to have a look at this college, coming along with a friend from my dad.
We just came to pick up the forms, but when while being here i heard the singing, it touched me and so I took admission on that very day!

Sholozü: Our youth director at that time was also from this college, from GCC. So he introduced it to me and our family; this is how I got to know about this college and decided to come here to study here as well.

In those days the college was also in the news because of the activities and events, such as concerts, that were organized by Golden Crown College. So one day I came together with my youth director to see the place and had a chat with the director. I liked the fact that many students are active in the area of music and good singers.

Khoben: The director here is my uncle, so I have known about this college before. Then I decided to come here to have a new experience, to learn the Word of God, and to do ministry.

Renjamo: I am a member of Lotha Baptist Church where Rev Nzan was pastoring before. So many of my church members would be familiar with the college, and I heard many good things about Rev. Nzan that he did a good job as a pastor and that he is a true spiritual leader. My dad had also been serving as a deacon at that church, and he encouraged me to join this particular Bible school and not any other college.


Any memories you would like to share about the time you spent here at GCC?  

Sabenthung: I enjoyed the events, the singing during concerts, and leading praise and worship, getting involved in ministry, including the opportunity to preach.

Sholozü: I remember the first time I got the opportunity to sing at the townhall, during a concert organized by our college. I always wanted to be a singer – and my church is small, so even if I sing there, there would only be a few people listening, especially when it is at the youth service where there are less people than during the Sunday service.

But when I stood on stage, together with a senior (Kalino), I was so impressed to see so many people sitting in front of me – I felt like a dream had come true, and I was so excited to sing for the first time in  a place like the town hall of Dimapur.

Khoben: There are many good memories from my time here, like going on outreach to do ministry. We did an outreach in West Bengal in 2010; we went there and sang songs, leading the people in praise and worship. It was the first time for me to go out in ministry; before I did not know about the condition outside of Nagaland, and that is when I realized that even outside there are many people who are Christians. Many were coming to the church, and during the praise and worship they were jumping like anything, so it was great to see that they were enjoying our songs so much.

Renjamo: I had just joined the college, and I will never forget the day when I first preached to deliver the Word of God. That was the first time I preached in my life, in October 2011, and it was very special to me.


You will be graduating soon, what are your plans for the future?

Renjamo: I am planning to get involved in the Youth Ministry, somewhere in the Wokha district. I feel there are many wondering souls there, especially among the youths. So I want to encourage them with my life and to lead them. This vision has been with me for many years, so I am excited that I can pursue this dream now soon.

Sabenthung: If my parents support me, then I plan to go for further study. Or, as for now, I want to do ministry. 

Khoben: There are many thoughts about the future, but it is difficult to say what exactly will happen. I definitely want to join the ministry, but I will have to see if and how I can do it.

Sholozü: I also have a lot of plans for the future. Some time later, I would like to go for higher studies in the area of music, such as doing a Master’s in church music.

But that would be some time later. As for now, right after graduation, I am planning to open a music school together with a friend of mine. That friend of mine and me, we have known each other already for a long time. There is this town called Jalukie and we both feel that there is a need there to train church leaders in the field of music. And then, hopefully, after working for three or four years, maybe that is the time I would go for further studies. 

Interview: Final Year Students! Part 1 (and as is the custom, Ladies first)


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The other day, I (Daniel) sent down with our third-year students who only have a few more months to go to complete their studies here at Golden Crown College. They will be graduating in April, so I thought to myself – this is the right time to catch up with them and to ask them about their experience here! And so we want to share their answers with you . . . we hope that you will enjoy reading about them, and please keep them in their prayers!


How did you first hear about Golden Crown College (GCC)?

Janny: I have a cousin who graduated from here, so I first heard about GCC from her. And Golden Crown College has both music and theological studies, so that I is how I decided to come here and study.

Benny: Before I joined, I was already taking piano lessons here at the Crown Centre. I like the way they play and perform. Before I joined I went to a concert organized by GCC and that impressed me as I told myself, “I also want to be able to play like they do!”

Yanchibeni: Before I joined this college, many people used to talk about Crown Centre and that the music is very good. I applied for different colleges, but my mom likes this college and she encouraged me to join Golden Crown College. So only after coming here I learned the basics of music. Actually, at first I only wanted to study theology; it was only after coming here that I realized how important the music part is as well.

Mhabeni: I knew about GGC through my friends; after hearing them preach in church, I really wanted to study theology. One of my friends studied at Golden Crown College, and so I called Rev. Nzan, and then I came here.

Arhoni: My Grandpa told me about this school, because my grandpa and the director (Rev. Nzan), they know each other. I wanted to study theology, and so I came here.

Chumbeni: My pastor was the one to tell me about this college; he encouraged me to study at Golden Crown College because he wanted me to learn both theology and music.


Any memories you would like to share about the time you spent here at GCC? 

Janny: Even during my  first year I joined what was called the Coronation Choir. It was a small choir, and we went to Shillong with it, and also here in Dimapur we sang at different occasions, something I enjoyed very much.

Yanchibeni: I have so many memories! There was this one time in 2013 when I was very touched because the director (Rev. Nzan) took me out to join him for ministry, giving me an opportunity to preach in a church. And while I was preaching, there were tears flowing down his face – I cannot forget that day.

Benny : I have fond memories of the choir practice and the times when we sang hymns together.

Mhabeni and Arhoni: We like the way we conduct the praise and worship times here at Golden Crown College, so we will not forget our hymn singing and the praise and worship and all.

Chumbeni: I enjoyed the whole learning experience, learning about music, sight reading, and theology.


You will be graduating soon, what are your plans for the future?

Janny: I want to go for further studies. I might do some teaching first – actually, I am not sure at this point what exactly I will do, but I will definitely go for further studies.

Benny: I am planning to go for further studies in the area of music. But it might not happen this year, but rather next year, in 2015.

Yanchibeni: I also want to do some ministry first, for a short time, like for one year. And then, in 2015, I would like to go for further studies, focussing on theology.

Mhabeni: I want to join the ministry, like children ministry, possibly with a ministry in Hyderabad. After that, if possible, I want to go for further studies. I don’t know whether this will happen or not, but in any case I want to join the ministry.

Arhoni: I will work in children ministry, because I have an aunt working with street children in Kolkata, so I am planning to join her. I would probably do so for a number of years and then come back to Nagaland.

Chumbeni: I am also planning to join that children’s ministry in Hyderabad. And after that, if it is God’s will, I would join the church ministry. 

Newsletter Volume 3 Issue 1 July – December 2013




Greetings in Christ’s name! It is always the opening of God’s treasure for us that we could come thus far. Golden Crown College (GCC) trains young people in both theology and music education. Holistic development (spiritual life, academic excellence, communication skills and musical proficiency), is emphasized in equipping the students.

This publication would take the advantage of picturing the alumni; as the apostle John would say of Gaius, “I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children are walking in the truth” (3 John 4, NRSV).

With much joy and hope we bring to you the mileage of GCC; the faculties along with the students have been striving through thick and thin in every challenge. We have this privilege to say that we are serving our Living God, in expanding His glorious Kingdom; may this serve to challenge us to sacrifice more for the Lord.

From the Director’s Desk

The Alumni Association celebrated the tenth anniversary with the theme “Leaders in a Changing World.” The speaker stressing on the need of leading with a difference in this changing world, emphasized that a leader needs to have cutting edge knowledge of the Word to counter the challenges the church and especially young people are facing today. It makes me think of the relevancy of our training to this changing world, and I tried to do a research on the performance of our graduates. I found that out of the 98 graduates, already 95 of them are engaged in some sort of ministry. Some of them are working in international schools, teaching music, most of them are involved in youth ministry, and many of them are involved in music ministry in the churches and schools. But, how effectively are these graduates doing their job, and how does the church feel about their performance? Is there an area where the college needs an improvement? Are we meeting the expectations of the church? If our graduates are not meeting the needs and the expectations of the church, where have we gone wrong? Do we need to restructure our curriculum? To my satisfaction, the response from the churches where our graduates are ministering, and where our graduates are studying is very satisfactory. One of the students, who is pursuing a Master of Divinity in one of the most reputed colleges in India sent me a text saying, “Sir, today I presented my paper, and the lecturer asked me, ‘Where did you study?’ I said, ‘Golden Crown College,’ and the lecturer replied, ‘Your college must be a very good college.’” Our graduates are our ambassadors; wherever they go they represent our college. Whenever somebody sees them, they see the college in them. It is my sincere prayer that they will see Christ in their life and ministry, and that people will see our graduates as, “men and women of God,” and not as arrogant academicians creating problems for the church. May God help us not to become worshipers of an idol called “academics” but to become lovers of God.


Teyongtangla Imsong

I first joined the institute at Crown Centre in 2004 when I was 8 years old and continued till I was 16. Those 8 years of my life being associated with the institute have indeed been a blessing for me and my family. If it weren’t for the institute, I would have never had the opportunity to play the piano – an instrument I have come to love and cherish. I sincerely believe and pray that the institute will continue to be a beacon of light for all the young children in Nagaland. God bless!


It was in the year 2005 that I first started my piano classes at my school, St. John Hr. Sec. Residential School, Dimapur where the classes were given by the Crown Centre. After two years, I started to attend the classes at the Crown Centre. I completed Grade VIII in 2011. In this institution I not only learnt music but also good morals and values that the Director imparted to me during our free time. The teachers at Crown Centre have always treated me as their own family and I felt at home. I have formed a very close band with this institution and the people there. Thank you for this wonderful experience.

Kalino V. Kinimi

After having studied at Golden Crown College, I am now pursuing my graduate studies here in Singapore at a Bible school called TCA College. At the same time, I am also working in a church called “Abundant Life Baptist Church.” Altogether, I have already completed eight modules; the majority of the professors here are Ph.D. holders from the United States, and I am learning a lot from them. It has been a blessing. I want to give my special thanks to Director Nzan Odyuo and to all the members of his family. Also, my warm love and regards to everyone at Golden Crown College.

New Lecturer: Daniel Topf

After having spent ten years in East Asia, I have just arrived here in Nagaland, and this is the first time I am in India. Being from Germany, I studied Christian theology first in Shanghai and then in Singapore, and I am very excited about the opportunity to now work as a teacher here at Golden Crown College. My passion is that students in this part of the world will receive both a meaningful spiritual formation as well as a thorough theological education. From what I have seen, this is already happening, as the students here are very gifted, committed, and enthusiastic, so it is a real joy to be part of this learning community!

New Lecturer: Avoni Odyuo

It is great to be back at Golden Crown College, after being away for three years studying theology at TCA College, Singapore. The excitement of teaching in a new faculty (theology as compared to music) definitely brings the return to this college to a new level for me. My involvement in the music department would still be present in some sense, but after having done my M.Div. it is my joy and pleasure to be able to contribute in the theology department. It is my hope that God will continue to lead and fuel my passion for this teaching ministry, so that His will, not mine, be done.


The college authority and the Managing Board would like to acknowledge the contribution of the following individuals and churches:

Mr and Mrs Pithungo Kikon, Pilgrim School, Dimapur  –                 ₹ 5,000

Mr and Mrs Wochamo Odyuo, Deputy Commissioner, Taxes –      ₹ 6,000

Mr Avitho Kijari, Music Teacher, Bethesda Hr. Sec. School –           ₹ 6,000

Wokha Yan Baptist Church Youth Dept. –                                      ₹ 3,000

Assembly of God Church, Wokha, Nagaland –                               ₹ 7,000

Lio-Longidang Village Baptist Church –                                         ₹ 10,000

Mr and Mrs Y.K. Ovung, Duncan Bosti –                                         ₹ 5,000

Mr and Mrs Thomas Ngullie, MLA –                                            College Gate

Mr and Mrs L.M. Merry, Rt. Deputy Registrar, SASRD, NU –   Desktop Computer

Miss Benchilo Kikon, Youth Director, LBC, Chimukedima –   ₹ 2,000

Mr and Mrs T. Odyuo, IFS –                                                 ₹ 50,000

Student Council 2011-12 and Worship Committee –          ₹ 40,000

Rev. Philip Ming, Singapore –                                               ₹ 18,400

Student Council 2012-13 –                                                   ₹ 28,000

Mr Albert Kanken –                                                                ₹ 10,000

Miss Thungyani Kikon –                                                         ₹ 7,000

For enquiry and donation contact:


Golden Crown College

House No. 389, Kuda ‘B’ Khel (Nagarjan B)

Dimapur, Nagaland, India

E-mail: crownmusic483@yahoo.co.in

Mobile: +91– 9856124314

Newsletter sponsored by : 

Renben Tsopoe, Music Teacher, Ryan International School, Gorgaon

Adula Jamir, Music Teacher, Music Studio, Gorgaon

Ahao, Music Teacher, Music Studio, Gorgaon.

Note: This is an online version of the hardcopy newsletter printed and distributed by the college. Do contact us if you want to have a hardcopy

Article by,

Donwibou Pamei

Academic Dean, Golden Crown College

GCC Students Show Love in Action


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27 January 2014, Fire in the Neighbourhood

We interrupt our regular coverage to bring you this breaking news: On a quiet Monday afternoon, while we were all studying, we were suddenly confronted by a terrifying sight: Just across our college there was a huge fire, with orange flames going up towards the sky. That is when we realized that one of the bamboo huts in our neighbourhood was burning, and since there are many other bamboo houses in that area, it was obvious that this was a very dangerous situation.

We spoke to the owner of the house who lived there with his wife and their four children. He told us that they as a family are also not sure what exactly happened, and how the fire got started in the first place. It was actually through their neighbours that they came to know that their house was burning! It all happened in a manner of seconds, and at that time the man was in the bathroom, while the family members were inside in another room – but they did not notice that their house was going up in flames. It was the neighbours who rushed to them to tell them that their house was burning, and by that time the flames were already several meters high.

Everything was so sudden that they were not able to save any of their possessions. They were so shocked at what was happening that they did not know what to do, especially because they had not sufficient water nor a well to extinguish the fire.

By that time the students at Golden Crown College (GCC) had seen the flames, but at first everyone was shocked and wondering what to do. That’s when some of the girls started to scream, “Help! Help!”, telling the guys: “Do something! Get some buckets full of water and help them!” 

At first, the girls were pulling up the water from the well so that the guys could carry the buckets, leaving the college through the main gate to get to the house that was some 50 meters away. Then, to be faster, the girls began to pass the buckets over the fence, so that the guys would be able to get to the house within a shorter time. Pulling up the water from the well was taking some time, so the guys began to use the water from the water containers that the neighbours possessed. This went on for some ten minutes; the house burned down to ashes, but through the help of the students and the neighbours the fire could be extinguished, otherwise the bamboo huts standing nearby would have been destroyed in the raging fire as well.

At last, when the job was basically done, that is when the municipal fire brigade arrived with two trucks.

Fortunately, no one was hurt or injured. Even so, two baby goats that had just been born the other day were burned badly by the flames – they were taken out of the fire, but their lives could not be saved, they died a few minutes later.

The students of GCC not only did a great job in putting down this dangerous fire, but they also made a spontaneous collection to help the family that had suffered so much loss. In the evening of that very same day they went to visit the family to give them some money and to donate some clothes, and they also prayed with the family.  


Reported by
Daniel, with a special contribution from Mhalo, one of our students.

Winter Break Outreach


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December 2013, Christmas Outreach to Wokha 

Whenever the month of December approaches, everybody’s thoughts are bent on Christmas, and that is also the case for us at Golden Crown College. Especially because this means it is time for our Christmas outreach during the winter break which this time would bring us to minister in three different locations. On December 14th we were all on our way, passing by the picturesque mountains of Nagaland, as we drove all the way from Dimapur to a village called Old Riphyim. There we arrived just in time to minister at the evening service. The students sang beautifully, and several of the lecturers shared during the service. Then we received a home-cooked dinner, and it was time to drive back to Wokha, where we would spend the night.

The next day, Sunday, we drove up to the beautifully located church of Longsa village. Here the church was packed with hundreds of visitors who listened to our students’ choir as well as a sermon about the topic what is so good about the good news. Right after lunch we drove back to Wokha, because now it was time to prepare the stage for our fundraising concert which was to take place in the hall of a Catholic school, known as the Don Bosco Youth Centre. This was the time for our students to shine – they performed not only as a choir, but also as individuals and in duets, covering a wide variety of songs such as “Holly Jolly Christmas” or the majestic “Christmas Sanctus”.

With this concert, our Christmas outreach for the year 2014 came to an end, and the next day it was time for the students and lecturers to return to their homes – all of us being thankful for what God had done, and looking forward to spending the Christmas season with our loved ones. 




January 2014, Winter Youth Crusade in New Riphyim 

In the first week of this year (January 3–5), a small team from Golden Crown College had the opportunity to participate at a Winter Youth Crusade that took place in New Riphyim. The idea was that young people from many different villages would come together in New Riphyim to spend three days together to hear the Word of God. For this occasion, a huge tent had been set up right in front of the village gate and it was in this tent that our evangelist, Pastor Philip from Singapore, was preaching to an enthusiastic crowd of hundreds of youths. Often times, there was an overwhelming response, with many people coming to the front in order to accept Jesus as Saviour and Lord, or to rededicate their lives to Him.

During the day time, the participants of the Winter Youth Camp had further opportunities to deepen their relationship with God by joining a variety of programs. This was also an opportunity for the team members of Golden Crown College to get involved: Rev. Nzan translated several of the messages; Daniel, one of the newly arrived lecturers, conducted a Bible study; Avoni conducted music seminars; and Thungyani, one of our students, performed on stage by singing several songs.

All of us who went are so thankful to God for this experience. We were so moved by the hospitality and the warmth displayed by our hosts in the village, and we give God the glory for the many people, both young and old, whose lives were impacted for eternity during this time. 


January 2014, Spiritual Awakening Day 

After the Winter and Christmas break, we were all looking forward to welcoming our students back to school here at Golden Crown College. Monday, January 20th, was the arrival day for the students, and in the evening we had our first chapel service together. Normally, it would then have been time to begin with our regular classes the next day. Instead, we decided to have a day of Spiritual Awakening – a time of prayer and reflection in order to build a solid spiritual foundation for our studies in this new year. Together we studied various passages in Ephesians to learn more about our identity in Christ. We also had times of worship, prayer and reflection that were very moving. We had a sense that this year, 2014, will not only be a year of learning for us, but also a time in which we want to dedicate our lives to God once again.

And this is also what we want to wish you, our dear reader: That God would surprise you with His goodness and generosity in 2014. May you have a purposeful, exciting, enriching, joyful, prosperous, and very happy New Year!


Article by, 

Daniel Topf


Golden Crown College